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Rick Peterson, O.D.
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Follow Your Intuition: How I Believed in Neurolens for My Practice!
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Dr. Sarah Shim, Owner of Dalton Optometry in Dalton, GA, went from questioning herself, to successfully implementing...
Grow your practice with Neurolens
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Like most doctors and practice owners, I’m always looking to incorporate the new and emerging technologies that have...
The Spectacle Lens that Transformed My Practice!
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When patients visit our office, we always want to provide the highest quality care possible while creating a great...
Cover Your Practice: Vision For A Brighter Future
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Practicing optometry is all about helping people reach their highest potential in work, life, and play through...
Relief is in Sight
Headaches? Eye strain? Eye misalignment could be the culprit. Find out if you're a candidate.
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