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Bradley Richlin, O.D.
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Increasing Optometry Practice Growth with Neurolens
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In today’s shifting economic landscape, optometric practices face the challenge of balancing patient care with...
Treating traumatic brain injury neuro-optometrically
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The impact of prism lenses can be life-changing for patients! Through the use of neuro-optometric rehabilitation,...
How binocular vision affects athletic performance
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"Athletes rely on binocular vision much more than they may realize." Amanda Nanasy, OD Accurate motor responses...
When 20-20-20 Isn't Enough
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Why Optometry? As a young girl, I was fascinated with going to the optometrist, and the older I got and the more...
Relief is in Sight
Headaches? Eye strain? Eye misalignment could be the culprit. Find out if you're a candidate.
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